Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bye Bye Blogger!

The day is finally here. I have moved Mohawk On Display off of the blogspot host, and onto my own individual hosting account. It is now run by Wordpress, and it's gotten a makeover. Hope you like it. From now on, points to the new site. It might take a day or so to update, depending on where you live, but it won't be long.

If you want to look, you can find it at, but I don't know why you'd want to go there, since it won't be updated anymore.

If you're reading this, it means that you're on the old site, which won't be updated anymore. Please visit the new site at

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Results are in!

Well, not many of you voted :( but the results are in, and the Buffy game came in first place! So, I'll probably be working full-time on that in programming class for the rest of the year. Guitar Hero for the graphing calculator I'll be working on in my spare time. Also, although the website didn't get many votes, I have a surprise for it that I'll be setting up in a couple of days, so keep an eye out :)

Monday, April 14, 2008


Come on, people, vote! I want to know what you want! So far, only three people have cast votes, and there's only one day left! :)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


So, I realized that my attention has been somewhat scattered as of late. I've been working on a number of computer programs, as well as other projects, and I feel I need to focus more if I intend to finish any of them. So, to your right is this blog's first poll! Vote on what project(s) you'd like me to focus on. If you think of anything that isn't on the list, or want to offer some helpful encouragement, or have a question about any of the choices, leave it as a comment to this post. You have about a week to vote, before the poll closes.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Long time no post...

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. Been busy with some other stuff. Here's an update:

I've begun learning php/mysql/css and am writing my own blog software. Sorry, blogger, you're going to be replaced. But not for a while, cause writing an entire blog/cms by hand from scratch in a language you barely know is hard work!!! :P

The Buffy computer game has kind of fallen by the wayside, but I promise I won't abandon it.

Speaking of Buffy, I just found out that I've been cast in a recurring role in Season 2 of Buffy Between the Lines, an online "radio" drama that takes place between seasons of the Buffy tv show (RIP). I'll let you all know when the next season starts, so you can listen and tell me how beautiful my voice is :P

I can't say any more, but when I find out any more non-confidential info about the show, you can bet I'll post it here. (But you might lose that bet. And then I would laugh and use your gambled money to buy something a pony.)

Also, I've finished my first real website, a jewelry shop called Crystal Originals run by my brother's friend. Check it out and buy some jewelry. Or, if you're interested in a site of your own, I charge low rates (or if your site is simple, no rates!) :) Just leave a comment here, or email me at magicdanw-at-yahoo-dot-com.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Relaxed Day

Today has been pretty chill. Not too much going on in school, and not too much homework. I've still got to do some physics, but that's usually fun, so no worries there.

I finally ironed out the (I hope) last bug in my Buffy game engine. This means that I'll be able to start working on the actual game again. Wish me luck! :)

Also, in programming class, me and Maxant have started writing the Caspertron 2000 to replace our friend with a virtual copy. We hope to make it even better than the original! :P

I have also decided to start expanding this site to include more than a blog. I don't know when I'll have time to do this, and it may take a while if I decide to learn PHP and make a real Content Management System, so be patient. If this does happen, the blog will be moved to, but don't worry about that, because I'll have a link to it on my front page when that happens. Some of the things I'll be adding to the site include my computer programming projects and an easier way to access my pieces of writing.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Feelin groovy...

I went into Manhattan with David K and bunch of other people for David's birthday, and it was really great. We went to Dangerfield's - a really good comedy club - and then we just wandered around, hung out in the Village. I had a nice Simon and Garfunkel moment when we turned onto Bleeker Street. It was fun. Even if it wasn't M. Night Shyamalan's The Village, as Casper kept pointing out.

To top it off, last night I had at least 6 distinct dreams that I can remember. I usually don't even remember one dream, so this put me in a really good mood. I won't write my dreams, because most people are bored by other people's dreams, but I may be turning one of the dreams into a short story, which I'll of course post here if I do write it.

Seriously, I'm in such a good mood, I don't even think massive amounts of homework due tomorrow will be able to get me down! :D

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ophelia's Last Words

When I recall my love as first we met
He seemed a gentleman - heart bold and true.
I know kind men are found where e're, and yet
Hamlet my heart is drawn steadfast to you.

I saw behind your eyes a fiery mind
Your single goal to know the world firsthand.
Your purpose set: to right the wrongs you find
While seated on your throne - king of the land.

But now this man I fear I do not know
Who's slain my dad and taunts me in my shame.
The world around me twists, the winds that blow
Cool down my heart that once was set aflame.

And now this world cannot sustain my life.
The sun must set to usher in the night.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

In my life...

SADD sleepover was this weekend. I went, for the first time in highschool. It was...interesting. Unfortunately, because of the large group, I think my social anxiety got the better of me, and I spent a lot of the time just walking through the halls or sitting around, listening to other people talk. I hope I didn't creep them out, or make them uncomfortable. Fortunately, I was too tired to be nervous, so I was pretty much numb most of the night. If that makes sense.

Good news on the blog front. My domain name is set up now, for real. works now.

Less than good news on the Buffy computer game front. I've got some rather large memory leaks that I need to identify and patch, and I don't know how long that will take to do. :(

I'm really not looking forward to getting out of this chair...

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Good news! I decided to shell out ten bucks a year for a real domain name. From now on, you can visit Mohawk On Display at

Update: Unfortunately, not all is well in top-level-domain-land. Right now, you need to type, and if you forget the www, it won't work. I'm doing my best to fix this ASAP. And in the meantime, if any web geniuses out there can come up with a way to make DNS less confusing, please do so, because it's making my head hurt :(


Innocence cannot be bought
True memory fades slow
So treasure blissful ignorance
As long as it can go

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Quote #3

"Beneath the surface, we are all totem poles of earthiness."

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Quote #2

"The zebra is truly the finest animal. Mostly because it tastes so darn good, but I'm sure there are other reasons."

Monday, March 3, 2008

Quote #1

"Seek not true love. Rather, seek donuts and weasels."

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Saturday, March 1, 2008

How does one tell the difference between an artist and a murderer?

Ever seen this picture before?

It's "Rind" by M.C. Escher. Looks pretty, right? Well, remember that guy in Hannibal? He skinned people's faces too. M.C. Escher is cool and all, but I wonder what he kept in his basement...

Friday, February 29, 2008

Sleepy Days

This will be a short update. Today, I was really really tired, and I couldn't get out of bed until about 1:30 pm. So, no school. I don't think anything too important happened, and I caught up on some sleep, so that was good.

After I was awake, I made some vast improvements to the Buffy game engine. Basically, I rewrote the save/load game functions so that instead of barely working and requiring large amounts of effort for me every time I write a new puzzle, now it just works. Period. No more effort needed on my part, no matter how complex my puzzles get. And now the player can save in the middle of puzzles (if he/she so chooses) just in case there's one that's really long or difficult. So this is a very good thing :D

I'm gonna go watch some Earth 2 with my family, and then it's time for more sleep! Yay! :D

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Slayer Games

Ok. Here's a bit of an update on the Buffy computer game. A tentative tile for the game is "Slayer Games." I've written a basic game engine (it will probably be expanded as needed based on the game's particulars.) I've done some work on the plot, and it looks like it will be taking place during Season Five of the TV show. Also, in addition to playing as Buffy, Willow, Giles, and Xander, you'll also get to play as Tara. If anyone has seen the show and would like to help with the plot, let me know! :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Things I Love
  • People - All of them. Saints and murderers. I may hate what they do, or I may love what they do, but either way they are human and deserve love for their humanity, no matter how small it may be. Lock them away if necessary, punish them if they deserve it, but always remember that they are human.
  • Nature - I haven't seen nearly as much nature as many people have, but I want to, and someday I hope I will. I don't even need to say why.
  • Brains - Because all people have beautifully unique minds, and I love them all.
  • Emotions - The reason computers will never be as intelligent as humans.
  • Tears - And their burning catharsis.
  • Friends - Much of the time I'm not sure if I even have any. But I remember what they're like, and I still believe I can have some in my life.
  • Music - I love any art that someone is able to create, because creativity is the most amazing thing imaginable. Hopefully, someday I'll be able to create something someone else can love.
  • Individuality - Go people! Really, all of you!
  • Peaceful strength - Go Ghandi!
  • Mellowness - Go hippies!
  • All the diverse religions of the world - They ensure we will never be certain that we have discovered all of the Universe's secrets. What is this obsession with facts, anyway? (Just kidding. Facts are cool and all, but a little bit of mystery is nice too, don't you think?)
  • Power Puff Girls underwear - Please, don't ask why. I don't have any. That would be pretty weird, right? And I've never seen any. I don't know if they exist. But if not for this phrase, and a silly little neural connection in my head, these lists wouldn't be here.

Things I Hate
  • People who hate other people - Really, this isn't me being hypocritical. I love everyone for their humanity, but I reserve the right to hate what individuals may think or do. If an individual hates someone, I hate that about that individual. But know that no matter what I may say or think at the time, I still love that person. And I love you too, whoever is reading this. I hope you love me too.
  • Egotism - I simply don't understand how a person can think that he or she is better than a fellow individual.
  • The death penalty - Nobody deserves to die. Lifetime in prison, if necessary, but never premature death.
  • People who make being "normal" and happy seem so easy -Feel like lending a hand to the rest of us? (This is not su much hatred, but more annoyance, and then only with some of them. Sorry for the generalization.)
  • People who are not willing to help other people - Why not?
  • ? - I can't think of too much else for this list, because I love more than I hate in this world.

Mohawk Visits Binghamton

So, I just got back from my second visit to Binghamton University. My first visit had left me hating the school for a number of reasons, but the second has convinced me that this is the school for me. I met with the department head of Computer Science and a couple of students, and the campus was truly beautiful. If anyone else is thinking about going there, let me know!

Interesting note: As I was leaving the campus, I passed a dorm building called Mohawk. Apparently I'm not the first of my race to take up residence in New York State.

While in Binghamton, I saw the movie Juno, which was wonderful. I got the sound track and listened to it much of the way home. Also, at a Barnes and Noble I picked up a really pretty Tarot deck. Hopefully I'll be able to learn to use it.

On arriving home, I found out I missed my friend Rachel's birthday party. I'm really sorry Rachel :( But hopefully I'll get to see her and my other friends sometime before school starts, because school tends to be icky :(

I might post some more stuff later tonight; we'll see.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Buffy the Computer Game

So, lately I have been thinking about taking up a new computer programming project. I plan on making a (unofficial) Buffy the Vampire Slayer computer game. It will be a combination of point-and-click-adventure, puzzles, and various mini-games. Also, throughout the game you will get to switch between playing as Buffy, Willow, Xander, and Giles.

I won't reveal any more about the game yet. It's only in the early stages of planning/development, but if anyone is interested in helping and has anything to contribute, please let me know. At this point, I am mostly interested in people to help me flesh out the plot (so you should know about the TV series) or experience in game programming, but eventually I will also need help with graphics and animation as well as voice acting (sadly, I doubt the original cast would be interested in acting for a low-grade game and not getting paid.) Let me know if you have any suggestions, would like to contribute to the game, or just wanna say hi! :)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Random Acts of Mohawkery

It's nice to be home again. School today wasn't so bad, since Facing History is still doing the stereotype thing (I hate stereotypes, but it's still nice to not do anything in class) and Physics was missing half the class, so we got to relax and chat about whatever.

If anyone here likes to play computer games, you might be interested in one I'm working on. There was this awesome game called The 7th Guest, which was almost single-handedly responsible for the adoption of CD drives on computers. Then, there was a sequel called The 11th Hour. Both are out of print, but you should try to find copies, because they rock.

Now, I'm part of a fan-based project to write an unofficial "sequel" game, taking place between the original two chronologically. It's called The 13th Doll. Anyway, I recently resumed programming for this game, so I thought I'd let you guys know about it if your interested in games and such.

Sadly, I'm not sure how long it'll take for the game to be finished, since everyone is working on it in their spare time and nobody is getting paid, but I do know that when it is finished it'll be of amazing quality, because we have some really professional and skilled people working on it (including myself :D)

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

In Winter's Grasp

Alone I stand, naked and bare
Beside a well-tread road
My clothes (when I need them most
In this shivering cold)
Have been scattered by the wind
Beyond my reach

Travelers pass
And remark on my beauty
(My bare limbs, covered in snow)
With no regard for my feelings
My pain

So year after year
I must brave the Winter alone
Drawing courage from my rings
(One for each year I've survived)

And if I'm still here in Spring
(When Mother awakens)
I'll get pretty new green clothes
And another ring for my finger
Another year to go

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I'll use the strings for shoelace
I can play golf with the neck
I can keep things in the body
Like playing cards from a deck

I can break it into pieces
And then glue it back together
I can leave it outdoors
And it'll dampen from the weather

I can put it through a vampire's heart
And turn him into dust
I can leave it in a basement
To make it smell of must

I can paint it purple
I can hang it on a wall
I can lie and say it whistles
And I hope it does not fall

And of course, I do suppose
If you agree to pay
I could hire a tutor
And finally learn to play

Monday, January 28, 2008 tomorrow

Wow. That post from last night is weird. I barely remember writing it, and I don't know wtf it's about. Weird....

I just got back from the Physics C midterm. It seemed pretty good, especially the multiple choice Part 1 stuff. I'm not looking forward to school tomorrow. Sleeping late is so nnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiiiccccccccceeee.

In other news, I'm probably going to Binghamton University next year. Anyone else planning on going there?

Anyway, people, if you're reading this, please leave comments! Even if it's just to tell me my blog sucks, I want to hear it!

Jane Colbain

This has very little deep meaning. Mostly, it was fun to write, 'cause it's weird and has the rhythm of Jack & Jill. :)

Jane Colbain
Forgot her name
And lost her face soon after

Sister Sue
Of room four-two
Could not contain her laughter

Jane Colbain
May go insane
And in her shame Sue did bask

So poor Jane
She stole Sue's name
And hides behind a green mask

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Buffy Library Public Service Announcement

For a school project I had to do community service and then make a public service announcement promoting it. I helped out at several public library events, and made a video in which Giles (the librarian from the TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer) does a public service announcement about the library.

Note: I don't own the video clips taken from Buffy the TV show.

The Great Experiment

He wakes up at the same time He does every morning and steps out of bed. Groggily He wanders into the bathroom and stares at His countenance in the mirror. Backing up a few steps, He glances at the rest of His body, aged and ageless, average and sublime. He mumbles something to Himself, and then gets on with the business of freshening up.

In the kitchen He pours Himself a cup of coffee. He takes His time drinking it, as He does every morning, and eats some toast as well, to delay the inevitable, as He does every morning.

He steps outside, barefoot and naked, to check the mailbox. Of course, He knows that there will be no mail today, just as there was no mail yesterday, and will be none tomorrow. He always knows, and He knows all. Doesn’t He?

Finally, He gets down to His business. He enters the house and closes the front door behind Him. Entering the laboratory, He dons a pair of white gloves. He picks up His clipboard and reads the first item. He pulls aside one of the many sliding doors, behind which are hundreds of tiny jars. He picks one up and examines its blue-green contents. Opening a hatch on the top, He sticks His finger in and wiggles it.

A hurricane in Kansas.

He replaces the jar and checks the tiny box on His clipboard. He picks up another jar and prods its contents as well.

A single mother in Brazil wins the lottery.

Check. As He picks up a third sample, He sighs deeply. This planet’s ordinarily blue-green complexion is turning a sickening crimson at an alarming rate.

He opens the jar’s hatch, dumps its contents, and fills it to the brim with soapy water. After a few rinses, He places the jar on an empty base. He presses the button labeled BB. He’s been doing this job forever, but starting over never gets any easier.

He puts an X on the clipboard. Someday, He knows He’ll make one that’ll last. Utopia can’t be that elusive, right?


I know not your name
Yet I’ve seen your face
Night after night
In our dream-space

I reach out with my mind
Come with me, take my hand
Beneath Morpheus’ gaze
On a beach of dream-sand

The sand is warm
The sun is low
Your pale skin
Appears to glow

Our bodies touch
Our palms do meet
The sun is gone
So we make our own heat

But the tide does rise
Sand slips away
Grain by grain
We wake to a new day

The day drags on
My memory fades
The image of
Your face degrades

Perhaps some day
I’ll see your face
Remember it from
Our dream-place

Will you know me
Or continue unthrown
Meaning that
I dreamt alone


Chris is eight years of age. He enjoys listening. The school teachers tell him things that strum and pluck the strings of his mind. His classmates discuss what they are going to do when school lets out, and he hears everything they say. All trains of thought are filed away so they can be resumed later. Chris never stops thinking.

Chris is fourteen years of age. He enjoys reading. The books talk about people like Chris. Or rather, they talk about people like Inner Chris. Because inside of Chris is Inner Chris, who does anything he wants, and talks to whomever he wants, and says whatever is on his mind. Inner Chris’ mind-strings are always vibrating.

Chris is eighteen years of age. He enjoys seeing. When Chris sees people, he can pretend he is standing near those people. And talking to those people. At night, Chris thinks about what he says, and what they say to him. In bed, Chris likes to stare at the shadows on the walls. Sometimes, he can make the shadows move. He wishes the shadows could talk, because he knows that they know more than he ever will.

Chris is twenty years of age. He enjoys nothing. The shadows move always, now. They don’t talk, but that doesn’t matter, because Chris already knows what they would say. During the day, Chris can close his eyes and see the shadows whenever he wants. Chris keeps his eyes closed a lot lately.

Chris is thirty years of age. He enjoys dreaming. And that’s all he does.


Looking out of the amber lens, you can see your entire life up until tonight. But you can’t reach the controls.

You walk over to the buttons and dials and levers, but there aren’t any labels. And it takes so long to push and pull and twist them, and it’s so hard. And you’re afraid of what will happen if you do.

So you lie back on your couch and stare through the amber lens. Life is peaceful here, and you think so much, yet speak so little.

But still the clock ticktocks, ticktocks, ticktocks. And everyone and everything gets older, except for you. Ticktock, ticktock. And you will be the last to die, but that’s alright, because you never were alive. Ticktock.

Welcome Earthlings!

Hello, planet Earth. I come from the distant planet Mohawk - somewhere in the vicinity of Betelgeuse. It is populated by the peaceful Mohawkians, who (aside from the cannibalistic shrubberies) are the only form of intelligent life on the planet. I have come to Earth on a mission of good will and mohawkery.

On this blog, I will post about various things, including my interests and hobbies (computer programming, writing, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, etc.) I hope you enjoy it!