Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bye Bye Blogger!

The day is finally here. I have moved Mohawk On Display off of the blogspot host, and onto my own individual hosting account. It is now run by Wordpress, and it's gotten a makeover. Hope you like it. From now on, points to the new site. It might take a day or so to update, depending on where you live, but it won't be long.

If you want to look, you can find it at, but I don't know why you'd want to go there, since it won't be updated anymore.

If you're reading this, it means that you're on the old site, which won't be updated anymore. Please visit the new site at

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Results are in!

Well, not many of you voted :( but the results are in, and the Buffy game came in first place! So, I'll probably be working full-time on that in programming class for the rest of the year. Guitar Hero for the graphing calculator I'll be working on in my spare time. Also, although the website didn't get many votes, I have a surprise for it that I'll be setting up in a couple of days, so keep an eye out :)

Monday, April 14, 2008


Come on, people, vote! I want to know what you want! So far, only three people have cast votes, and there's only one day left! :)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


So, I realized that my attention has been somewhat scattered as of late. I've been working on a number of computer programs, as well as other projects, and I feel I need to focus more if I intend to finish any of them. So, to your right is this blog's first poll! Vote on what project(s) you'd like me to focus on. If you think of anything that isn't on the list, or want to offer some helpful encouragement, or have a question about any of the choices, leave it as a comment to this post. You have about a week to vote, before the poll closes.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Long time no post...

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. Been busy with some other stuff. Here's an update:

I've begun learning php/mysql/css and am writing my own blog software. Sorry, blogger, you're going to be replaced. But not for a while, cause writing an entire blog/cms by hand from scratch in a language you barely know is hard work!!! :P

The Buffy computer game has kind of fallen by the wayside, but I promise I won't abandon it.

Speaking of Buffy, I just found out that I've been cast in a recurring role in Season 2 of Buffy Between the Lines, an online "radio" drama that takes place between seasons of the Buffy tv show (RIP). I'll let you all know when the next season starts, so you can listen and tell me how beautiful my voice is :P

I can't say any more, but when I find out any more non-confidential info about the show, you can bet I'll post it here. (But you might lose that bet. And then I would laugh and use your gambled money to buy something a pony.)

Also, I've finished my first real website, a jewelry shop called Crystal Originals run by my brother's friend. Check it out and buy some jewelry. Or, if you're interested in a site of your own, I charge low rates (or if your site is simple, no rates!) :) Just leave a comment here, or email me at magicdanw-at-yahoo-dot-com.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Relaxed Day

Today has been pretty chill. Not too much going on in school, and not too much homework. I've still got to do some physics, but that's usually fun, so no worries there.

I finally ironed out the (I hope) last bug in my Buffy game engine. This means that I'll be able to start working on the actual game again. Wish me luck! :)

Also, in programming class, me and Maxant have started writing the Caspertron 2000 to replace our friend with a virtual copy. We hope to make it even better than the original! :P

I have also decided to start expanding this site to include more than a blog. I don't know when I'll have time to do this, and it may take a while if I decide to learn PHP and make a real Content Management System, so be patient. If this does happen, the blog will be moved to, but don't worry about that, because I'll have a link to it on my front page when that happens. Some of the things I'll be adding to the site include my computer programming projects and an easier way to access my pieces of writing.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Feelin groovy...

I went into Manhattan with David K and bunch of other people for David's birthday, and it was really great. We went to Dangerfield's - a really good comedy club - and then we just wandered around, hung out in the Village. I had a nice Simon and Garfunkel moment when we turned onto Bleeker Street. It was fun. Even if it wasn't M. Night Shyamalan's The Village, as Casper kept pointing out.

To top it off, last night I had at least 6 distinct dreams that I can remember. I usually don't even remember one dream, so this put me in a really good mood. I won't write my dreams, because most people are bored by other people's dreams, but I may be turning one of the dreams into a short story, which I'll of course post here if I do write it.

Seriously, I'm in such a good mood, I don't even think massive amounts of homework due tomorrow will be able to get me down! :D