Saturday, March 8, 2008

In my life...

SADD sleepover was this weekend. I went, for the first time in highschool. It was...interesting. Unfortunately, because of the large group, I think my social anxiety got the better of me, and I spent a lot of the time just walking through the halls or sitting around, listening to other people talk. I hope I didn't creep them out, or make them uncomfortable. Fortunately, I was too tired to be nervous, so I was pretty much numb most of the night. If that makes sense.

Good news on the blog front. My domain name is set up now, for real. works now.

Less than good news on the Buffy computer game front. I've got some rather large memory leaks that I need to identify and patch, and I don't know how long that will take to do. :(

I'm really not looking forward to getting out of this chair...

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