Monday, March 17, 2008

Relaxed Day

Today has been pretty chill. Not too much going on in school, and not too much homework. I've still got to do some physics, but that's usually fun, so no worries there.

I finally ironed out the (I hope) last bug in my Buffy game engine. This means that I'll be able to start working on the actual game again. Wish me luck! :)

Also, in programming class, me and Maxant have started writing the Caspertron 2000 to replace our friend with a virtual copy. We hope to make it even better than the original! :P

I have also decided to start expanding this site to include more than a blog. I don't know when I'll have time to do this, and it may take a while if I decide to learn PHP and make a real Content Management System, so be patient. If this does happen, the blog will be moved to, but don't worry about that, because I'll have a link to it on my front page when that happens. Some of the things I'll be adding to the site include my computer programming projects and an easier way to access my pieces of writing.

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