Thursday, April 3, 2008

Long time no post...

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. Been busy with some other stuff. Here's an update:

I've begun learning php/mysql/css and am writing my own blog software. Sorry, blogger, you're going to be replaced. But not for a while, cause writing an entire blog/cms by hand from scratch in a language you barely know is hard work!!! :P

The Buffy computer game has kind of fallen by the wayside, but I promise I won't abandon it.

Speaking of Buffy, I just found out that I've been cast in a recurring role in Season 2 of Buffy Between the Lines, an online "radio" drama that takes place between seasons of the Buffy tv show (RIP). I'll let you all know when the next season starts, so you can listen and tell me how beautiful my voice is :P

I can't say any more, but when I find out any more non-confidential info about the show, you can bet I'll post it here. (But you might lose that bet. And then I would laugh and use your gambled money to buy something a pony.)

Also, I've finished my first real website, a jewelry shop called Crystal Originals run by my brother's friend. Check it out and buy some jewelry. Or, if you're interested in a site of your own, I charge low rates (or if your site is simple, no rates!) :) Just leave a comment here, or email me at magicdanw-at-yahoo-dot-com.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on getting cast. This is Melissa from the BBtL season 2 chat. So, obviously, I was cast, as well. Came to check out your blog. Added you to my blogroll. Hope you don't mind.