Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Mohawk Visits Binghamton

So, I just got back from my second visit to Binghamton University. My first visit had left me hating the school for a number of reasons, but the second has convinced me that this is the school for me. I met with the department head of Computer Science and a couple of students, and the campus was truly beautiful. If anyone else is thinking about going there, let me know!

Interesting note: As I was leaving the campus, I passed a dorm building called Mohawk. Apparently I'm not the first of my race to take up residence in New York State.

While in Binghamton, I saw the movie Juno, which was wonderful. I got the sound track and listened to it much of the way home. Also, at a Barnes and Noble I picked up a really pretty Tarot deck. Hopefully I'll be able to learn to use it.

On arriving home, I found out I missed my friend Rachel's birthday party. I'm really sorry Rachel :( But hopefully I'll get to see her and my other friends sometime before school starts, because school tends to be icky :(

I might post some more stuff later tonight; we'll see.

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